The difference between a good and awesome software/application is mostly the algorithm. It’s easy to replicate a software but replicating an algorithm requires brains.

Algorithms could be very powerful when used in the right domain and could be expensive in some other domains. Solving a Rubik’s cube is one of the easiest things an algorithm could solve in secs as well as a sorting problem but tasks like playing large sudoku with an algorithm could be hell difficult and expensive (at least for now).

The traveling salesman problem is one of the most interesting and difficult problem to be solved by a computer. The more the number of cities the more complex the routes can be.

Learning from nature.

There is so much we can learn from nature and it’s animal. Animals could provide powerful insights in solving some of the world biggest problem, Bees provides a clever approach in solving the traveling salesman problem.

Machine learning brings a new dimension to traditional algorithms by creating algorithms that can learn from experience making them more sustainable for now and the future.

In the future, we will be able to create algorithms that feel more like humans but we are still far from there.

Algorithms powers our search engine results, manages traffic system, controls thousands of orders for the inventory system, helps in matching partners, provides the shortest path and so much more.

Our world won't function without the powers of these algorithms.

John Williams